Never have cold fingers again. These mitts are desigend with the outdoors person in mind. The mitts are felted for extra warmth and water-proofing.
They knit up super-huge and are felted down to size.
Never have cold fingers again. These mitts are desigend with the outdoors person in mind. The mitts are felted for extra warmth and water-proofing.
They knit up super-huge and are felted down to size.
Felted Mittens with Finger Option by Cathy Kean
Ladies large
Men’s large
Mens’s X-large
2 skeins Brown Sheep’s Lamb’s Pride worsted weight wool, or
other similar worsted weight which is 100% wool yarn that you can
6.5mm Size 10 ½ DPN
4 ½ sts and 5 rows, unfelted = 1 inch
Co: Cast on
K: Knit
K2tog: A decreasing stitch, knit 2 stitches together
M1: Make a stitch by picking up yarn between stitches for a new stitch
P: Purl
Pm: Place marker
Pu: Pick up and knit stitch
Sm: slip marker
Ssk: Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together.
St(s): Stitche(s)
Kitchner Stich
Place all the mitt’s front stitches on one DPN, and all the mitt’s back stitches second DPN. Line up the needles so that the sts (13 in this case) front the back needle, line with the sts (13 in this case) from the front needle. Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread this tail onto a tapestry
Step 1: Insert tapestry needle (as if to knit), in the first stitch of the front needle, remove the stitch from the DPN and place it onto the needle. Insert needle (as if to purl), in the second stitch of the front needle, pull yarn through. Leave the stitch on the front needle.
Step2: Insert tapestry needle,(as if to purl), in the first stitch of the back needle, remove the stitch from the DPN and place it onto the needle. Insert needle, (as if to knit) in the second stitch of the back needle, pull yarn through. Leave the stitch on the back needle.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have used up all the sts.
Mitten directions - NOTE - When this mittens knit up they look HUGE, they are supposed to. Felting causes them to shrink a lot. The shrinking is what makes them warm and keeps the weather out.
CO 50(60,60) sts and distribute evenly onto 4 DPNs. PM at beginning of row, join in rnd, be careful not to twist sts.
Knit 7 rnds
Rnd 8: (K2tog, k13) 3 times, K2tog, K to end of rnd (46,56,56 sts)
Knit 6 rnds
Rnd 14: (K2tog, k12) 3 times, K2tog, K to end of rnd (42,52,52 sts)
Knit 6 rnds
Rnd 20: (K2tog, k11)3 times, K2tog, K to end of rnd (38,48,48 sts)
Knit 3 rnds
For ladies large, Rnd 24: increase 2sts evenly across row, k 7 rnds and proceed to gusset step.
For both men’s sizes Rnd 24: (K2tog, k10)3 times, K2tog, k to end of row (44,44sts)
Knit 5 rows
Rnd 30: M1 every 7 sts (i.e. evenly over next row) (50,50sts)
Knit 7 rows
Rnd 1: K24, pm, k3, pm, k to end of rnd (i.e. a marker should have been placed after the 24th and 27th st)
Rnd 2: K to M, SM, M1, K to 2ndM, M1, SM, K to end of rnd,
Rnd 3: Knit one round
Repeat rnds 2 and 3 until there are 17 sts between the markers.
On next row, k to marker, remove marker, place next 17 sts on stitch holder or a piece of scrap yarn, remove second marker, CO 4 sts, over opening, k
to end of rnd.
Knit for 2(3, 3)"
Split for finger
K 19, slip these sts on a stitch holder, k12, co 8 sts over opening, join these 27 sts in rnd (for the finger)
Knit until finger measures 3 (4 , 4 ½)"
K2tog until 8 sts remain
K one round
K2tog until 4 sts remain, Cut yarn leaving long tail. T hread tail through remaining sts, pull tight and secure on inside of finger. Weave in all ends.
PU 4 sts from the cast on sts in base of finger (made in step above), k 19 sts from holder, k19 sts, pu 4 more sts from the base of finger, join in rnd (38,46,46 sts)
Knit until mitt measures 3 (4 , 4 ½ )" from base of finger.
Begin decrease
Before you begin decrease, ensure that all of the sts required for the mitt’s front (13sts) are split on 2 DPNs and the sts required for the back are split of the other two DPNs.
(The mitt's side opposite the thumb starts to decrease first, leaving the other side with no decrease)
K 10sts (i.e. to 3 from end of mitt front side), Ssk, k1, (you should now be starting mitt’s back), k1, k2tog, k to end of rnd. Repeat 4 times (i.e. 5 decrease rows in total ).
(From now on each side of the mitt will be decreased)
K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts before end of front side, Ssk, K1, K1, K2tog, Kto 3 sts from end of rnd, ssk, k1.
Repeat until 24(26,26) sts remain, 12(13,13) on each side.
Close in top of mitt with Kitchner stitch
Transfer the 17sts from the stitch holder unto 4 DPNs, pu 4sts from mitt’s edge. Knit in the rnd until thumb measures 3(4½ , 4½)".
K2tog, repeat until 5 sts remain.
Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail through remaining stitches, pull tight and secure on inside of finger. Weave in all ends
You are ready to felt !!
Throw the knit mitts into a washing machine with a pair of jeans and a little soap. Run the wash cycle with high agitation and very hot water. It they have not felted to your liking
when the cycle ends, run it again, until you are happy with the results. Once the mitts are the right size, stretch them into shape and leave them to dry flat for a couple of days.
Ladies large
Men’s large
Mens’s X-large
2 skeins Brown Sheep’s Lamb’s Pride worsted weight wool, or
other similar worsted weight which is 100% wool yarn that you can
6.5mm Size 10 ½ DPN
4 ½ sts and 5 rows, unfelted = 1 inch
Co: Cast on
K: Knit
K2tog: A decreasing stitch, knit 2 stitches together
M1: Make a stitch by picking up yarn between stitches for a new stitch
P: Purl
Pm: Place marker
Pu: Pick up and knit stitch
Sm: slip marker
Ssk: Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together.
St(s): Stitche(s)
Kitchner Stich
Place all the mitt’s front stitches on one DPN, and all the mitt’s back stitches second DPN. Line up the needles so that the sts (13 in this case) front the back needle, line with the sts (13 in this case) from the front needle. Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread this tail onto a tapestry
Step 1: Insert tapestry needle (as if to knit), in the first stitch of the front needle, remove the stitch from the DPN and place it onto the needle. Insert needle (as if to purl), in the second stitch of the front needle, pull yarn through. Leave the stitch on the front needle.
Step2: Insert tapestry needle,(as if to purl), in the first stitch of the back needle, remove the stitch from the DPN and place it onto the needle. Insert needle, (as if to knit) in the second stitch of the back needle, pull yarn through. Leave the stitch on the back needle.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have used up all the sts.
Mitten directions - NOTE - When this mittens knit up they look HUGE, they are supposed to. Felting causes them to shrink a lot. The shrinking is what makes them warm and keeps the weather out.
CO 50(60,60) sts and distribute evenly onto 4 DPNs. PM at beginning of row, join in rnd, be careful not to twist sts.
Knit 7 rnds
Rnd 8: (K2tog, k13) 3 times, K2tog, K to end of rnd (46,56,56 sts)
Knit 6 rnds
Rnd 14: (K2tog, k12) 3 times, K2tog, K to end of rnd (42,52,52 sts)
Knit 6 rnds
Rnd 20: (K2tog, k11)3 times, K2tog, K to end of rnd (38,48,48 sts)
Knit 3 rnds
For ladies large, Rnd 24: increase 2sts evenly across row, k 7 rnds and proceed to gusset step.
For both men’s sizes Rnd 24: (K2tog, k10)3 times, K2tog, k to end of row (44,44sts)
Knit 5 rows
Rnd 30: M1 every 7 sts (i.e. evenly over next row) (50,50sts)
Knit 7 rows
Rnd 1: K24, pm, k3, pm, k to end of rnd (i.e. a marker should have been placed after the 24th and 27th st)
Rnd 2: K to M, SM, M1, K to 2ndM, M1, SM, K to end of rnd,
Rnd 3: Knit one round
Repeat rnds 2 and 3 until there are 17 sts between the markers.
On next row, k to marker, remove marker, place next 17 sts on stitch holder or a piece of scrap yarn, remove second marker, CO 4 sts, over opening, k
to end of rnd.
Knit for 2(3, 3)"
Split for finger
K 19, slip these sts on a stitch holder, k12, co 8 sts over opening, join these 27 sts in rnd (for the finger)
Knit until finger measures 3 (4 , 4 ½)"
K2tog until 8 sts remain
K one round
K2tog until 4 sts remain, Cut yarn leaving long tail. T hread tail through remaining sts, pull tight and secure on inside of finger. Weave in all ends.
PU 4 sts from the cast on sts in base of finger (made in step above), k 19 sts from holder, k19 sts, pu 4 more sts from the base of finger, join in rnd (38,46,46 sts)
Knit until mitt measures 3 (4 , 4 ½ )" from base of finger.
Begin decrease
Before you begin decrease, ensure that all of the sts required for the mitt’s front (13sts) are split on 2 DPNs and the sts required for the back are split of the other two DPNs.
(The mitt's side opposite the thumb starts to decrease first, leaving the other side with no decrease)
K 10sts (i.e. to 3 from end of mitt front side), Ssk, k1, (you should now be starting mitt’s back), k1, k2tog, k to end of rnd. Repeat 4 times (i.e. 5 decrease rows in total ).
(From now on each side of the mitt will be decreased)
K1, K2tog, K to 3 sts before end of front side, Ssk, K1, K1, K2tog, Kto 3 sts from end of rnd, ssk, k1.
Repeat until 24(26,26) sts remain, 12(13,13) on each side.
Close in top of mitt with Kitchner stitch
Transfer the 17sts from the stitch holder unto 4 DPNs, pu 4sts from mitt’s edge. Knit in the rnd until thumb measures 3(4½ , 4½)".
K2tog, repeat until 5 sts remain.
Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail through remaining stitches, pull tight and secure on inside of finger. Weave in all ends
You are ready to felt !!
Throw the knit mitts into a washing machine with a pair of jeans and a little soap. Run the wash cycle with high agitation and very hot water. It they have not felted to your liking
when the cycle ends, run it again, until you are happy with the results. Once the mitts are the right size, stretch them into shape and leave them to dry flat for a couple of days.